Sunday, 24 March 2013


All about my short but sweet WORK trip last week... on 24 hour duty (32 students and a Julie) ~ but of a cultural and creative nature, tour guide extraordinaire (mmm)...

Tuesday = The V&A and a quick half hour running around the Natural History Museum

Wednesday = Liberty's, Islington, Covent Garden and the Seven Dials, researching the independent, vintage shops and looking at designer maker products, packaging and branding; not shopping (honest)
Thursday morning = Spitalfields Antiques & Bric-a-Brac market, researching for Interiors project.

Looking forward to going back for New Designers at the end of June and a little lovely Brick Lane weekend slipped in between...


  1. oooh Claire could just do with that little trip to chase away winter blues. It all looks great, especially the Spitalfields market, was any shopping done????

    1. It was absolutely FREEZING! The pen bits and the old stencil kit (complete with brushes in a big old tin) were things I bought... and I had to have a massive 3D printed ring from 'DO' in Covent Garden... then the usual old boxes of paper clips, pins and hole reinforcers from Spitalfields oh and a tiny tiny victorian leather purse for £3 because I've been lusting after someone elses for a while!!!
