Saturday, 28 July 2012

Collars... ad infinitum

I seem to have spent the whole afternoon trying to link and control my social networking! 
This is to test whether:
a) this blog post goes onto my Facebook page and
b) whether I can insert a 'like' button into this post... mmm let's see.


  1. Hi Claire, Im speechless and so inspired. I love your ideas and most of all your presentation. WoW!

  2. Oh thanks Pauline!
    Will be interested to hear what you think of the presentation of my final installation of 9 collars for the exhibition... I packed it all up, took it to DHL, got told it would be £359.00 shipping, ONE WAY.. so I took it home and we sawed the thing in half and fitted hinges so it would fit in a smaller box... price went down to £79... am hoping it still looks ok on the wall!

  3. 'SEW' always!!!!:-)Beautiful work and great ideas for collars....would be lovely to see you modelling one!!!!
    good thinking for expensive.
    Sure your work will be very successful
