Sunday, 14 December 2014

an update of sorts...

You may or may not have noticed that I have not posted for a while... this is because I have been writing weekly for my new blog, documenting the progress of my MA studies, alongside, studying my MA, doing a full time lecturing job, Facebook page, etc. etc. so I think I can forgive myself. but just to keep this one going I am duplicating the post I wrote yesterday on my other blog as that one is private. 
However, if you are studying an MA yourself and wish to follow it please message me ( your e-mail address and a link to your own MA blog if you have one, we could exchange ideas, information etc?
So this is a recent episode from my MA blog...

But first a note: We were asked today if we thought the imminent lecture would be relevant to our own work. It was 'Memory and the Visual in Post Conflict Northern Ireland', I have to say that I have taken something valuable from every single session or lecture, whether or not I deemed it to be it relevant to me, even if it was just a list of possible words I may use in my written stuff.
And here's such a list:
  • transformative reconfiguration
  • valueist
  • tangibility
  • psycho memory
  • skeuomorph
  • baudelarairian 
  • trans - temporal 
  • indexical
  • As a little task for myself I might try and insert all the above into my next presentation to my students :-)
Anyway, here's today...